IFRS 16 / AASB 16 Lease Capitaliser
Lease Capitaliser automatically restates assets and liabilities for each lease within your portfolio, generates depreciation schedules and prepares journal entries on a daily, monthly and yearly basis.
The incoming IFRS/AASB 16 accounting standard presents finance departments with a significant workload of restating assets and liabilities for each lease every time a CPI increase or market rent review occurs. Lease Capitaliser performs these calculations and generates the necessary depreciation schedules, all of which can be exported to your financial system as a journal entry.
Lease Capitaliser has been developed in partnership with leading Chartered Accountants and includes the following features:
- Full product training to empower you to manage your portfolio
- Sydney-based helpdesk
- Customisable portfolio reporting, including standard templates
- Designed specifically for property, vehicle and equipment leases
- Restatement of assets and liabilities based on CPI and market rent reviews
- Ability to customise to retrospective and cumulative catch-up methods of adoption
- Prepares entries for journaling on a daily, monthly and yearly basis
- Ability to set discount rates at portfolio, country, company and lease levels
- Capitalises incentives, indirect leasing costs and make good obligations
- Accounts for rent free periods
- Adjusts for percentage of contract payments for non-lease items e.g. outgoings
- Integrated with My Portfolio
- API exports from Accurait®
Client Testimonial
"We are happy to recommend Leaseinfo Lease Capitaliser to those clients who need a tool to help them with the IFRS /AASB 16 calculations."